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Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee is established under section 90 of the LELPA. The Disciplinary Committee has the mandate to: (a) receive complaints referred to it by the MLS and the general public or the court, (b) investigate all complaints brought before it, (c) conduct hearings on disciplinary matters and (d) impose any penalty specified under section 96 of the LELPA.

The Disciplinary Committee may inquire into the conduct of a legal practitioner at the request of the High Court or on a complaint made by any person stating grounds on which the High court could make an order under section 89 of the LELPA against a legal practitioner.  The Disciplinary Committee has the statutory mandate to dispose of any matter before it within ninety days ninety (90) days. The Disciplinary Committee may, upon giving good and justifiable reasons, extend the period for disposing of any matter for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days.

The Disciplinary Committee consists of the Solicitor General who is the chairperson, one (1) legal practitioner of not less than ten (10) years standing at the bar who is elected by the MLS, one Senior Counsel and two (2) members of good standing in MLS and who are not legal practitioners. The Disciplinary Committee meets monthly.

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