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Honour of Senior Counsel

The honour of Senior Counsel is conferred by the President on recommendation of the Honours Committee under section 52 of the Legal Education and Legal Practitioners Act. A legal practitioner may apply, in a prescribed manner, to the Attorney General for letters patent entitling him to be conferred the honour of Senior Counsel if the legal practitioner is of irreproachable character, has been practising the profession of the law for a period of or for periods amounting in all to at least fifteen (15) years whether in public service or otherwise; and has made significant contribution towards the development of the law in Malawi.  The Honours Committee, may on its own motion, recommend to the President that a legal practitioner be conferred the honour of Senior Counsel. The Honour of Senior Counsel subsists for life and may only be withdrawn by the President upon recommendation for the Honours Committee, where circumstances arise which would otherwise disqualify a person from being conferred the honour of Senior Counsel.

The President may confer the honour of Senior Counsel on a sitting Attorney General or Solicitor General who has served that office for at least two (2) years. The President may, after consultation with the Honours Committee, confer on any person, as he deems fit, the honour of Senior Counsel honoris causa (honorary Senior Counsel) if the person consents to the conferment.

The MLS has the following nine (9) licenced Senior Counsel in the 2023/24 practice year:

  • Krishna Savjani, OBE, SC
  • Modecai Ronnie Msisha, SC
  • Stephen Dick Matenje, SC
  • Henry Duncan Dama Phoya, SC
  • Patrice Chikumbutso Nkhono, SC
  • Shabir Latif, SC
  • Kalekeni Kaphale, SC
  • Alan William J. Chinula, SC
  • Samuel Baston Tembenu, SC.
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