Human Rights Projects: The UN Women Spotlight Initiative
The UN Women Spotlight Initiative is project which started in April, 2021. It was initially supposed to be completed on 29th June 2021 but it was extended and finally closed on 31st July 2021 at Zomba. The Spotlight project was implemented in 9 Traditional Authorities of Nsanje district. By taking part in implementing this LELPA that seeks to protect matters of public interest touching, ancillary or incidental to the law.
Furthermore, with this project the MLS was also satisfying Key Result Area 1 of the 2021-2030 Strategic Plan. Finally, the project assisted the MLS’s members to satisfy section 42 of the LELPA on pro bono services as members connected to active VAWG cases and offered the much-needed pro bono legal services.
The MLS implemented the project in partnership with Kachere Progressive Women’s Group (KPWG) and The Church and MLS Programme of CCAP Blantyre Synod. The MLS was the lead organisation in this consortium. The consortium received funds amounting to MK68,110,242.00 under the project.