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MLS Successfully Conducts “A Future Ready Practitioner and Law Practice: Law, Technology and the Basics of Practice Management, Mentoring and Supervision for a Sustainable Practice” CPD

On 21st July, 2023, the MLS conducted a CPD workshop at the Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe. The CPD was attended by 316 virtual participants and 46 physical participants.

The CPD set out to help develop a future-ready legal practitioner and law practice, particularly with respect to the law, technology, the basics of practice management, mentoring, and supervision for a sustainable practice. The presentations, collectively, achieved the stated objectives and comprehensively communicated the information necessary to enhance and better prepare the Malawian Legal Practitioner for the rigours of the evolving conditions in legal practice.

The Presentations were delivered by five accomplished persons. The following is the summary of the presentations:

Building Human Capital and Managing People in a Law Firm / Legal Department by Martha Kaukonde, Managing Partner of Kaukonde Lawyers

Ms Kaukonde  is a lawyer of 19 years at the Bar. Her presentation was inspiring and informative, as it was practical and useful. She addressed and brought to the fore issues in law firm / legal department management that are taken for granted and often ignored. She posited that successful practice depends on its component parts, both professional and non-professional, working in unison towards a common and productive goal. A legal practice cannot succeed without competent support staff and networks to properly complement the professional moneymaking functions. The management of expenses relative to income cannot be overstated in the decisions made on how to structure a functional practice.



Mentorship and Supervision for a Sustainable Practice by Mr Raphael Mhone, Executive Partner at Racane & Associates


Mr Mhone is a lawyer with thirty-eight years’ experience at the Bar and has extensive corporate experience gained from various positions in the private and public sector. His presentation was mentorship in action and its value cannot be understated. Irrespective of where one is in their professional trajectory as legal counsel, Mr Mhone’s presentation spoke to you and accorded one many moments of self-reflection and motivation. The practical examples supported by authority were informative and very useful. He advised on the many ways in which mentorship can be implemented to add value to a legal practitioner’s knowledge and ability to become better were numerous. The fact that learning never stops and that even mentees can provide insight and knowledge to mentors was good to know.


Wealth Creation by Mr. Daniel Dunga, Chief Investment Officer at NICO Asset Managers Limited

Mr Dunga’s presentation brought home the need to systematically manage one’s income to create wealth. Mr Dunga emphasized the fact that nothing can be achieved without proper planning and the setting of achievable goals, that will then inform decisions on the use and application of the income a lawyer earns. Mr Dunga communicated the important fact that financial planning is not dependent on having money; wealth is created from humble beginnings that then mature into comfort through systematic planning. Mr Dunga’s presentation is essential for all lawyers, as he communicated very practical means towards wealth creation and comfort in retirement. The avoidance of debt was an eye opener that lawyers cannot ignore.

Developing a Specialist Practice by Mr Tisungane Makato, Associate at Palas Partners LLP in London

Mr Makato is a dual-qualified (England & Wales and Malawi) solicitor specialising in dispute resolution. His presentation brought to us, front and centre, the Future of legal Practice in Malawi and the need to specialise in order to compete in the Global arena. Based on his experience and exposure, he explored and provided clear guidance on what legal practice could become in Malawi should Malawian lawyers embrace the global advances being made. His emphasis was on the enhancement of technological know-how in legal practice centred on the need for greater specialization in our legal practice, to enhance efficiencies and ensure optimal results. Mr Makato did issue some caution with respect to specialization, stating that whilst necessary, it does have some disadvantages to be guarded against. His crescendo was with respect to Artificial Intelligence and its inevitable application in legal practice. Law firms and lawyers will not be spared the effects of greater application of Artificial Intelligence, which could lead to a greater streamlining of the profession with respect to support staff needs and otherwise. Artificial Intelligence is here to stay according to Mr Makato and we would do well to acknowledge it, prepare for its application in our profession and find appropriate uses of it to enhance our practice. His presentation was thought-provoking futuristic and very informative.

Knowledge Management by Mr Ian Malera, Proprietor of the law firm Malera & Malera

Mr Malera is a lawyer with twenty-five years at the Bar. He presented on Knowledge Management a presentation which concisely threaded the bridge between what used to be, what currently is and what could be and will be in legal practice. His emphasis was on harnessing the knowledge that has already been developed over the years to ensure that the wheel is not being reinvented, but simply being improved. He used practical examples with respect to the management of legal information and demonstrated how this has evolved on account of technology, new legislation, and the advent of young legal practitioners. He advocated that all legal practitioners should actively embrace and harness technological advances to improve efficiency and enhance institutional memory but should always act with caution. The presentation was an apt introduction to the subsequent topics presented by the other presenters.

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